Life just isn’t fair and we all know this is true.
Unexpected circumstances break our hearts and leave us unsure of what to do.
Life isn’t fair.
And the truth be told, nothing will change that despite our faith and hours of prayer.
We can do everything just right but still some things are just not meant to be.
Although it pains us to see those who have done wrong be so blessed and appear so happy.
Often we may think that we deserve good things because that is what is owed to us.
But the Bible says that it rains the same on the just and the unjust.
We must learn to accept all of the things that we can never change and do the best we can.
And take comfort in knowing that He has a plan.
Being bitter and angry is not the road that we must take.
Our hope does not abide in this life and we must remind ourselves there is too much at stake.
Life isn’t fair and we may never fully understand.
But rest assured in knowing He will never leave us and will never let go of our hand.
No matter how unfair life has been it will be worth it all when we reach heaven’s door.
One day when we see Him the cruelness of life we will remember no more.
Written by: Lorraine M Orozco December 26th, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
What am amazing time I had with my dear JCM friend Robyn Smith last weekend in St. Paul Minnesota! It was a much needed get away and I loved every minute I got to spend with her and my new friends from Apostolic Bible Institute! The leaves there were turning their beautiful burnt orange color and the Mall of America was a huge treat for me! We also were able to cross into Wisconsin and walk around a beautiful park with a lake and tiny row boats. We stopped at the Capitol in St. Paul and explored this old Catherdral. I pray God allows me the opportunity to someday return. The Lord did some wonderful things for me there and allowed me to be able to testify during the Sunday night service about my book. I distinctly remember feeling the Lord's embrace in that prayer before service that Sunday. It is something I will never forget!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Update of My Life

I realize before the other day I hadn't posted anything about the recent happenings in my life. First of all back in March I got the privilege of visiting Christian Life College in Stockton, Ca. That was an amazing experience and I enjoyed meeting the talented and fabulous students that that school. I also really felt a strong touch of God in every service I was able to attend.
I July I did another one of my Freebie Challenges for my 31st birthday and survived!
I September I went on a family vacation to Southern California and from there went on a 7 day cruise to Mexico. Also in September I took my mom for her birthday to see Westside Story the Broadway Musical. This I have to say was a classic Broadway show but I was really disappointed with some of the very vulgar scenes that I could have gladly done without.
In this month of October I patiently await my trip to St. Paul, Minnesota to visit a dear bible college buddy. I will be taking a tour of ABI where my childhood pastor Rev Charles Croy attended Bible College.
Friday, September 30, 2011
My Writing Life
I seem to have strayed from one of my biggest passions. God made me a writer and it has been quite a while that I have even felt the faintest desire to pour my heart onto a piece of blank paper. I still write often in my journal but those words are often things that I only want me and God to see. I feel that my writing has been a blessing to others and that has always been my number one priority. Sometimes I think that I am way too hard on myself and my distorted view of success has only resulted in grief. Disappointment when things do not go exactly the way you want them to can cause you to distance yourself from the things you love the most. It seems that this has plight and life has kept me busy with work and a full time class loads in my Major of Sociology.
On this last day of September I have vowed to somehow renew the passion I once had for a ministry that was giving to me as a young child. Somehow, not for money or fame but simply for myself and God, I will write another book!
On this last day of September I have vowed to somehow renew the passion I once had for a ministry that was giving to me as a young child. Somehow, not for money or fame but simply for myself and God, I will write another book!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The Bucket List
I realize I have done such a terrible job neglecting my book but the other day during work training I began to up date my Bucket List
1. Go to Barcelona, Spain
2. Go to Prince Edward Island/ Anne of Green Gables
3. Be at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
4. Meet Sarah Palin
5, Kiss somsone on New Years Eve in Times Square.
6. Give Blood
7. Parasail
8. See the Sydney Opera house in Australia
9. Attend Landmark in Stockton,CA
10. Attend BOTT in Alexandria, LA
11. See the Jersey Boys the Broadway Show.
12. Write a teen Christian romance novel
13. Write a song for our Easter Play.
14. Learn Italian.
15. Own a female boxer puppy and name it Laila Ali!
16. Learn to make Lasangna
17. Go to the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington
18. Go to a U of A football game
19. Be invovled in politics
20. Join a book club.
1. Go to Barcelona, Spain
2. Go to Prince Edward Island/ Anne of Green Gables
3. Be at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
4. Meet Sarah Palin
5, Kiss somsone on New Years Eve in Times Square.
6. Give Blood
7. Parasail
8. See the Sydney Opera house in Australia
9. Attend Landmark in Stockton,CA
10. Attend BOTT in Alexandria, LA
11. See the Jersey Boys the Broadway Show.
12. Write a teen Christian romance novel
13. Write a song for our Easter Play.
14. Learn Italian.
15. Own a female boxer puppy and name it Laila Ali!
16. Learn to make Lasangna
17. Go to the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington
18. Go to a U of A football game
19. Be invovled in politics
20. Join a book club.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
He Hasn't Forgotten About You!

As I drove down Speedway Blvd that Sunday evening the tears in my eyes seemed to slightly blurr my vision. The big sunglasses I was wearing all in alone in my blue mustang seem to conceal to everyone around me on the road that my heart was was exploding like a vicious volcano. I may have known the route to get to church that night but I had no idea where my life was going. I was in desperate need of something from God and I told the Lord I felt like He had forgotten about me. I have read the scriptures and I know in my mind that God could never leave His children but my heart and my deepest emotions were getting the best of me. I needed to know that God still had a plan for my life and that His arms were going to surround me in this time that I felt like things were at a stand still.
I guess we have all been there. We just need to know that everything will be okay and as I entered the presence of the Lord in my church sanctuary that night my longing for God to give me a word was intensifying. I realize we do not follow after signs and wonders but there is just something about distinctively knowing that God has spoken to You personally.
There was a missionary from Poland that night and I cannot say that I can even remember what the sermon was about or even if it really was a sermon. I remember the slideshows and I remember the little booth that was set up in the foyer. After the altar call was going I saw the missionary going and praying for people. I wanted him to come pray for me but he seemed to be busy praying for everyone else. I sat there as the end of the pew with my head bowed down as the congregation began to disperse. Then suddenly the missionary came and sat next to me. We started engaging in a conversation when he said to forgive him because God had told him to come pray for me but he just brushed it off and he couldn't avoid it anymore. He began to pray for me and his exact words were, "God sent me over here to tell you that He hasn't forgotten about you." Talked about God being direct! That missionary had no idea that a few hours earlier I was saying those exact words to God "You forgot about me!" What an encouragement that was to me and even though it was not my entire future revealed it was a reassurance!
I guess it would have been enough if I had just heard from that preacher that one night but in the course of the next few months there were 3 other preachers who have no connection to each other that used that exact phrase as they prayed for me. God wanted to make sure that I knew without a doubt that He hadn't forgotten about me or about the dreams and hopes that He had given me. No matter where He would lead me or come what may His grace would always be there holding my hand!
"Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me." Isaiah 49:16
Friday, February 11, 2011
Youth Cell Valentine's Day Party
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Time away from Facebook

This week until further notice I am fasting from Facebook. I love the social network just as must as the next person and with over 860 of my friends connected to me its easy to keep up with everyone's lives. Sometimes we just need a break from all the things around us just to remember what it is that makes us tick and focus on God's plan for our lives.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
My Book Finally Appears on!!
I was soo thrilled this week because my book He Blessed the Broken appeared on The publisher finally put it out and released it and I also got my copy in the mail! I also found out that someone in Mississippi is selling my first book Famous in Battle for 20 dollars! I wasn't sure whether to be insulted or proud lol Anyhow...for those of you who have purchased either book you can write a rewiew for on their website
Monday, January 24, 2011
Doing His Perfect Will

"God sometimes allows people to hurt you and difficult situations to come your way so that you can be motivated enough to get our of your comfort zone and do His perfect will." ~ Lorraine M Orozco
Two weeks ago I got the pleasure of going to Scottsdale and Casa Grande, Arizona to sing, speak, and give my testimony. I can remember being around 13 years old when God started to first put thoughts about writing a book and speaking and churches and ladies conferences. I'm 30 now and have waiting for a long time for this. I was reading Genesis the other day and it was taking about how Joseph became ruler in Egypt when he was 30 years old. Then we read in the new testament how Jesus started Him ministry at age 30. There must be something about that age when God knows you are ready to do His will. I have enjoyed being with the saints of the church and feeling like I am able to minister to them and give back a small portion of what others have constantly poured into me. I am not sure what or where i am going now because i have a full schedule of school to pay attention too as well. Im keeping my eyes and heart open for the next adventure in my life.
FYI* Mary Frances Ginty took this lovely picture of me! Thanks girl! :)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
My Life in Tucson a Week Later

The first thing I heard from my Father when I woke up late last Saturday was that "Giffords was shot in the head!" My heart sunk and I tuned into the news and found out that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was not dead but in fact still alive after recieving a close range shot through her head. As the details of the tragic events of my home city unfolded it became chilling that something like this could happen just across the town from where I live. When the medical team at UMC, (the same hospital my youngest brother was born at & I where I have had multiple hospital stays) mentioned that a nine year old girl was killed in this massacre I felt the lump in my throat get bigger.
I can't say that I am a supporter of everything that our Congresswoman stood for politically, but regardless of how I or anyone feels no one deserves to lose their life. It is a miracle of God that the Gabby is alive and as I drove on Sunday past her headquarters on my way to church, I continued to say a small prayer for her full recovery. Although I cannot say that I voted for Barak Obama I can honestly say that I really had wished that I had been in Tucson the night that he came only to be in support of my city that has been wounded so deep. May God bless the victims of thoses who have been killed and heal those who are on their way to recovery!
Friday, January 14, 2011

Last Saturday night my lovely cousin Yvonne and I went to see the Broadway Show Wicked here in Tucson. I have been to quite a few Broadway shows, 11 to be exact, and Wicked is probably in my top 2. If you don't already know the show is about the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz. It tells about how she became a Wicked and the story leads up to where the Wizard of Oz begins. The storyline was amazing and had so many unpredicatable turns and twists. It caught my attention from start to finish. The costumes from the Emerald City scene were elaborate and shiny. So if you ever get the opportunity to see this show it will be worth every penny to see it!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Tips from the Coupon Queen

I am known around here for being the Coupon Queen. If there is a good deal around I am going to take full advantage of it. I decided that from now on I am going to start posting the things that I use coupons for or when I find something cool that someone else might want to know about. Today I took advantage of my buy one, get one free Chicken Salad at Carl's Jr. It is really health and I have one to eat today and another one to eat tomorrow! Pure genius! :)
P.S. If you haven't already voted for my brother Eric for Apostolic Male Model of the Year you might want to do so! Thanks
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Vote for Eric!

So my dear friend Mary Ginty has put together Apostolic Male Models of the Month and My baby brother Eric Orozco was her pick for the month of May. Now she is doing a voting poll for Apostolic Male Model of the YEAR. We need your votes to make this happen so please vote for Eric Orozco after you refresh the page on the right hand side at
You can also read about the Post Mary wrote about him here
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Bath and Body Works Addict

As you can see I have a bit of an addiction to Bath and Body Works. They made the mistake of putting one near my house and I periodically go and stock up. I also get tons of coupons in the mail from them so I always convince myself that I am just getting a good deal (which I am) lol. This picture does not include the 4 shower gels in my shower, the 2 lip balms that are in my purse, the 2 wallflowers around my house with a couple different scents stashed in my drawer along with about 4 or 5 handsanitizers! They are have a HUGE 75% off sale right now so go quickly before all the good fragrances are gone!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Its A New Year!

Okay so its been over 3 months since I have blogged. I know all of you out there are on the verge of fainting lol. Its a new year and I am determined to be more consistant in many different areas in my life including my writing. I have soo much to say but I will just leave it all for another day and appreciate the fact that I actually blogged!
Its my dad's 54th birthday today and the thought has crossed my mind over and over again recently how our parents wont always be with us. Its a very sad and depressing thought but a very real one. I just hope I can appreciate those people that are with me now and not regret that I didnt cherish them like I should have!
I am sooo thankful that 2011 has come around! My new years resolution last year was to stay in church and stay sane. Those seemed like small things but knowing the year that I had you would understand how important those things were. Last year my youngest brother moved out to his own house. My heart got broken in a Zillion pieces and I am thankful that little by little it is being restored. I turned 30 in July and I am telling you that was a Big one! But I survived and God was good. I also wrote another book, got a publisher to pick it up, went back to school and got excellent grades, and started speaking and giving my testimony and churches again! God has really blessed me!
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