"God sometimes allows people to hurt you and difficult situations to come your way so that you can be motivated enough to get our of your comfort zone and do His perfect will." ~ Lorraine M Orozco
Two weeks ago I got the pleasure of going to Scottsdale and Casa Grande, Arizona to sing, speak, and give my testimony. I can remember being around 13 years old when God started to first put thoughts about writing a book and speaking and churches and ladies conferences. I'm 30 now and have waiting for a long time for this. I was reading Genesis the other day and it was taking about how Joseph became ruler in Egypt when he was 30 years old. Then we read in the new testament how Jesus started Him ministry at age 30. There must be something about that age when God knows you are ready to do His will. I have enjoyed being with the saints of the church and feeling like I am able to minister to them and give back a small portion of what others have constantly poured into me. I am not sure what or where i am going now because i have a full schedule of school to pay attention too as well. Im keeping my eyes and heart open for the next adventure in my life.
FYI* Mary Frances Ginty took this lovely picture of me! Thanks girl! :)
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