Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Birthday Challenge

July 6th was my birthday and I have to admit that this year was a bit hard to swallow. My plans for this day were to basically stay home and cry all day but I decided to do something else for my birthday- A Freebie Birthday Challenge!

My dear friend Mary put a list on twitter the other day of all these restaurants that will give you free stuff on your birthday. I thought it might be cool to sign up for all of them and see vhow many free things I can get. The results were pretty overwhelming and in just one day I managed to redeem 6 coupons. I have about a dozen more that wont expire for another week or so, so I figured the challenge will continue until I am tired or they all expire which ever comes first. :)

1. a free small original sandwich from Schlotzkys

2. a 10 dollar off coupon from Victoria Secrets

3. a free gourmet burger from Red Robin

4. a free scoop of ice cream from Baskin Robins

5. a free dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts

6. a free meal at Dennys