Lorraine M's Little Writing Place
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Lessons from Washington, D.C.
I wanted to share tonight one of the very cool places I got to go this semester. It was called Alternative Spring Break through United Way Break A Difference. This meant that I would volunteer my spring break and help out with the Boys and Girls club for a week in Washington, D.C. I helped out in the teen room and every afternoon would talk to the kids about my experience as a college student and how they can succeed through education. I met some Amazing people from Universities from all over the country including this very cool group from New York University. During the mornings we had free time to roam around D.C. We went to the Smithsonian museum of Natural History and Art where I saw the famous Hope Diamond, the museum of Archives where I got to see the Declaration of Independence and Bill of rights, the Library of Congress, The Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington monument, and a few other cool places. Sadly, I did get to see the White House from a distance but I did not get to see it up close. I also was VERY sad because I did not get to go to DC Cupcakes in Georgetown! It snowed while I was there and we had to walk to the subways and I felt so cold that I wanted to cry like a 5 year old little girl but I survived! I had never met any of these people that I met on this trip but all of the were so helpful and never let me feel alone or let me get behind. I slept on these foldable cots from the Red Cross every night and had to bring my own sleeping bag and bedding. All of the volunteers slept in the Boys and Girls Gym. Let me tell you THAT was an experience.
At the end of week a lot of people were crying and breaking down because they felt so moved by the children that they had encountered during the week. They were so happy to have been able to help them with their homework and tell them that they can achieve anything they want to achieve in life. These children came from poverty and were very thankful that we were there. While so many of my friends were crying and having an emotional moment I realized that I was stone cold. It wasn't because I didn't love been a volunteer or because I didn't think that what I was doing there was impactful it was just that I had lived a very different life. I understood that although education is important to having a better life, it isn't the only thing that matters. Don't get me wrong, I believe in Education and I am pursuing my bachelors degree at the moment but I know that the most important thing on this earth is to know Jesus! What matters most is that you get to heaven and that you take your family and as many other people as you can with you!
I was a Senior Camp counselor for 4 years and those were some incredible moments in my life where I was praying and crying my eyes out for one of our young people that was struggling between church and the world. I know that the time that I have invested in prayer and in conversations about the world of God are priceless and are what makes the difference in eternity.
I loved this trip for so many reasons but I think the best reason is because I came home with some new perspectives. I realized that I need to get back to my first love and get back to the things that Really matter. I have got to somehow get my life back involved in the ministry of our teens at church and use my life as a testimony. I need to take advantage of every opportunity that I get to tell someone about Jesus and let them know that yes, going to college and making good decisions in your life is important but there is not a more important decision than serving Jesus and putting a determination in your heart that you are gonna make it to heaven!
Here are a few pictures from my fabulous adventure!! Enjoy and be blessed in Jesus!
Monday, May 18, 2015
Junior Year at University of Arizona South
I have been away from my blog for WAY too long! I just survived my first year back as a full-time college student at University of Arizona South. I just finished my Junior year as Human Service major with a 3.2 GPA. It could have been a LOT higher but lets just say "Life" got in the way. I am just happy it is over a 3.0! Six online classes, a part-time job, and being a piano teacher will kinda burn you out.
The end of 2014 I was working at Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona as a Program Facilitator in the Social Justice Department and Loved it but in January of 2015 I got the opportunity to become the Student Body Treasurer of UA South. This was a paid position which allowed me to be part of the Executive Board that pretty much made all the decisions for the Student Body. This job made me feel Awesome!!! :)
I have 3 weeks of unemployed & no homework bliss until my Summer school classes start June 8th!!
This past weekend I was celebrating with my friends on their bachelors degree graduation from 3 different colleges. On Thursday as a board member I was there to set up and help run graduation for UA South in Sierra Vista, AZ. On Friday I went to celebrate with my friend Jessica at the Gaslight theater since I had missed her graduation from University of Phoenix 2 weeks ago. On Saturday I drove up to Phoenix to Jayne and Jordan Hill's graduation party from ASU. I cannot wait till I graduate next May!!
By Sunday I was Wiped out and could not get out of bed! Today I am feeling much better and ready to start the Summer and getting back to some of the things that I love. Writing, Reflecting, Youth Services, & Piano playing! Here are some pics from this weekend. Notice in all of them I am wearing Red and Blue, UA colors! Bear Down Wildcats!! :)
UA South Executive Board Graduation.
Monday, January 5, 2015
San Francisco
This is one of the pictures that I took inside the Wax museum on fishermans warf in San Francisco, California in October 2014 with my mom & younger brother Eric. Breakfast at Tiffany's!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Diary of a Crazy Coupon Queen
It's apparent that I can't keep writing consistently in my blog & to all my readers I apologize. I usually only write when the inspiration hits me and finally something genius has come to my mind. I decided to write about something I am passionate about and that thing for me is saving money! I just started my new blog diaryofacrazycouponqueen.blogspot.com
and I hope you will join me on this educational journey!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
A Candle Shining in a Very Dark Place
You may walk down the halls at your school and feel like you are all alone.
You may sit in class and feel like you stick out like a sore thumb.
You may think that some days you are fighting a battle that is all uphill.
You may feel such peer pressure all around you despite knowing the God inside of you is real.
You may be made fun of because of the clothes that you wear.
You may be constantly told by your classmates that you need to cut your hair.
But don’t forget in these moments that though you may not see Him, God is by your side.
He is always there to give you strength and has His arms stretched open wide.
Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world!
Just remember God knew what He was doing when He made you a girl!
You are a candle shining bright in a very dark place.
You are the hope and have the answer for every lost face.
Your long un-cut hair is reflecting His glory
Your make-up less face is a witness to His grace and redemption story.
Your skirt past your knees and modest dress.
Tells the world of a Holy God’s unfailing goodness.
And then one day when you hear Him say “thou good and faithful servant”
You will know that it will all be worth it.
And beside you will be the ones that saw His light shining through you.
And for eternity you will thankful that you stood your ground even when you felt like you didnt know what to do.
The wonder of heaven and the joy of seeing His face.
Will make you so glad that you were a candle shining in a very dark place.
Written By Lorraine M Orozco
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Daniel Fast Day 2
So this morning I was feeling fine but this afternoon my stomach was killing me! My digestive system apparently is going into overdrive and causing a lot of pain. I am sitll holding on though and believe that God will somehow help me. This has already been a sacrafice and I sort of feel like a wimp. I had hope to write a few new posts but I will have to wait for the weekend when I have a bit more energy and less things to do!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Daniel Fast- Day 1
It has been an incredibly long time since I have written in my blog. I have heard a few people here and there tell me from time to time that reading my blog has blessed them. I have recently been so busy with school, work, and teaching piano lessons that my focus on writing has sadly faded.
About a month or so ago I had this idea about doing this fast I had heard about called the Daniel Fast. There are many of you who have heard about this type of fast also and may even have done it yourself with great results. I had a few moments this Summer that made me realize that I needed to do something extreme to revamp my Spiritual Life with God. I want so much more of Him and this felt like the best way to go about reaching this goal. I like many of you, have so many prayer requests and needs in my life at this time and I have to believe that God will answer.
There are a lot of posts that I want to write during my 10 day Daniel Fast and I hope to be able to put them all up. I am praying that I can re-dedicating myself to the gift of writing that God has placed on my life.
Today I ate the brown rice I made last night. I had some cut up carrots and almonds and took them with me to work as well as a bottled water. I noticed that I was extremely exhausted today so right when I came home from work I took a nap and feel much better. My house is extremely loud right now so I need to find a place to escape in order to get my thoughts with God together.
The journey so far looks good!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Life Isn't Fair
Life just isn’t fair and we all know this is true.
Unexpected circumstances break our hearts and leave us unsure of what to do.
Life isn’t fair.
And the truth be told, nothing will change that despite our faith and hours of prayer.
We can do everything just right but still some things are just not meant to be.
Although it pains us to see those who have done wrong be so blessed and appear so happy.
Often we may think that we deserve good things because that is what is owed to us.
But the Bible says that it rains the same on the just and the unjust.
We must learn to accept all of the things that we can never change and do the best we can.
And take comfort in knowing that He has a plan.
Being bitter and angry is not the road that we must take.
Our hope does not abide in this life and we must remind ourselves there is too much at stake.
Life isn’t fair and we may never fully understand.
But rest assured in knowing He will never leave us and will never let go of our hand.
No matter how unfair life has been it will be worth it all when we reach heaven’s door.
One day when we see Him the cruelness of life we will remember no more.
Written by: Lorraine M Orozco December 26th, 2011
Unexpected circumstances break our hearts and leave us unsure of what to do.
Life isn’t fair.
And the truth be told, nothing will change that despite our faith and hours of prayer.
We can do everything just right but still some things are just not meant to be.
Although it pains us to see those who have done wrong be so blessed and appear so happy.
Often we may think that we deserve good things because that is what is owed to us.
But the Bible says that it rains the same on the just and the unjust.
We must learn to accept all of the things that we can never change and do the best we can.
And take comfort in knowing that He has a plan.
Being bitter and angry is not the road that we must take.
Our hope does not abide in this life and we must remind ourselves there is too much at stake.
Life isn’t fair and we may never fully understand.
But rest assured in knowing He will never leave us and will never let go of our hand.
No matter how unfair life has been it will be worth it all when we reach heaven’s door.
One day when we see Him the cruelness of life we will remember no more.
Written by: Lorraine M Orozco December 26th, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
What am amazing time I had with my dear JCM friend Robyn Smith last weekend in St. Paul Minnesota! It was a much needed get away and I loved every minute I got to spend with her and my new friends from Apostolic Bible Institute! The leaves there were turning their beautiful burnt orange color and the Mall of America was a huge treat for me! We also were able to cross into Wisconsin and walk around a beautiful park with a lake and tiny row boats. We stopped at the Capitol in St. Paul and explored this old Catherdral. I pray God allows me the opportunity to someday return. The Lord did some wonderful things for me there and allowed me to be able to testify during the Sunday night service about my book. I distinctly remember feeling the Lord's embrace in that prayer before service that Sunday. It is something I will never forget!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Update of My Life

I realize before the other day I hadn't posted anything about the recent happenings in my life. First of all back in March I got the privilege of visiting Christian Life College in Stockton, Ca. That was an amazing experience and I enjoyed meeting the talented and fabulous students that that school. I also really felt a strong touch of God in every service I was able to attend.
I July I did another one of my Freebie Challenges for my 31st birthday and survived!
I September I went on a family vacation to Southern California and from there went on a 7 day cruise to Mexico. Also in September I took my mom for her birthday to see Westside Story the Broadway Musical. This I have to say was a classic Broadway show but I was really disappointed with some of the very vulgar scenes that I could have gladly done without.
In this month of October I patiently await my trip to St. Paul, Minnesota to visit a dear bible college buddy. I will be taking a tour of ABI where my childhood pastor Rev Charles Croy attended Bible College.
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