So I survived my 29th Birthday Monday! Can you believe it? 29!!!! Its just insane! No doubt I am thankful to have had such an amazing life but most of all to have Almighty God be in it! I really am blessed to go to such a great church and have such thoughtful friends. A couple of us got together at the house and had some pizza and cake. It was last minute but it turned out great.
Last week was Arizona District Sr Camp. I was a counselor again for the third year in a row. Bro Darin Sargent preached and it really felt this year like I was 16 again back when I was a camper. It was a tradition it seemed that every year at camp there was at least one night when God would move so strongly that the preacher wouldnt get to preacher. Monday was the first service and God moved so strongly that Bro Sargent almost didnt preacher. Then later on that week God completely took over and ministered to so many. This year in particular I felt like my needs were being met and I was being ministered. It seemed like every service there was something inside of me that just felt like crying and pouring out my soul to the King of Glory. There were so many fun times too like the night us counselors silly stringed the girls in the dorm. So far this 2009 Senior Camp goes down as being the best so far.
Happy birthday! Hope this is your best year ever!
Summer is not complete without at least one camp and when God moves (like He always does!) it's a wonderful thing.
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Camp was AWESOME! And I'm glad I was there for your Birthday!
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