Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dont date a loser

Don't settle for a loser
The first guy that comes your way.
For the one that has no job and on every date makes you pay.
After the first date when you have to treat for pizza.
Make sure its his name that's really on the visa.
Dont be so desperate just to be someones wife.
That a after the honeymoon you regret it for the rest of your life!
If hes been engaged three times and married twice
Don’t be the next fool that gets hit by the wedding rice.
If all the loser wants is for you to help him support his six kids and be his sugar mama
Don’t be the idiot that gets caught up in all that baby mama drama!
If he is bilingual, illegal, and always wants to be in control.
Remind him that you ain't afraid to dial the number to the border patrol!
If you just met your man after he posted bail
Make sure you are ready to write your next check out to the Pima county jail!
If the guy has a job that pays him under the table
Make sure you check his records because he is probably not mentally stable.
If he is too young to drive you on a date.
Be ready to spend the next 5-10 years because of your jail bait!
Don’t settle for a loser that in life wont go very far.
Go for a guy that has a career and doesn't drive his mom’s car.
I'm not saying you have to be a gold digging girl.
Just don’t be deceived when a guy says he can give you the world.
Looks wont last long, they will in time fade away.
Go for a guy that has depth and that wont eventually turn gay.


Jacqueline Suzanne said...


Mary Frances said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! OMW!!! I sooooooooooo LOVE it!!! I am sooooooooo gonna post it on my blog!!!

Kathy McElhaney said...

Very cute and funny - but also very true! Hang in there all you single girls. Never settle!