Sacaton, AZ- March 12th, 2010. Revival has broken out in a surrounding city near Casa Grande, AZ since a Trinitarian Co- Pastor was baptized in Jesus Name! Many members of this Trinitarian congregation have also been baptized in Jesus Name and several have received the Holy Ghost. Reverend Andy Combs, Pastor of Apostolic Tabernacle in Casa Grande, AZ was seeking the Lord in prayer not too long ago about starting a daughter work in the Sacaton and Gila River community when the Lord spoke to him and said, “Now Go and do something”. Pastor Combs began to feel excitement in his Spirit as the Lord gave him a glorious vision of Revival in this untouched area of Arizona with the Apostles doctrine of Truth. Apostolic Tabernacle is familiar with planting new churches since they already have three daughter works in the surrounding cites of Santa Rosa, Coolidge, and Maricopa, AZ. Pastor Combs parents Reverend Walton and Mabel Combs came over 40 years ago as a gift from the Lord to the city of Casa Grande. Since then Apostolic Tabernacle has been a thriving and respected church in the State of Arizona.
About a week after Pastor Combs’ prayer a man in a wheelchair by the name of Dwight showed up to his delight to a mid-week service in Casa Grande. It was there that he received the Holy Ghost by evidence of speaking in tongues and shortly after a young couple from the church, Ralph and Frances Gomez followed up with a bible study. Dwight was baptized after seeing the need for Jesus Name baptism and then revealed that he was a member of a Trinitarian Church. When Pastor Combs heard this he became concerned that perhaps Dwight’ Pastor would be angry that he had been baptized and possibly try to stop him from continuing to receive bible study lessons. Pastor Combs and Ralph and Frances Gomez decided to set up a meeting with Dwight and his pastor Collan Morris that Saturday. After studying the Word of God Pastor Morris like Saul of Tarsus felt the spiritual scales fall from his eyes as he joyfully received the revelation of the Oneness and understood the necessity of baptism in Jesus Name and about a week later asked to be baptized. Pastor Combs feeling boldness in the Holy Ghost then asked Pastor Morris if he could come and help baptize his congregation in Jesus Name. Pastor Morris informed him he was the Co-Pastor and the Senior Pastor who had recently been ill had the last say in what happened in their church.
February 7th 2010 the next morning feeling led by the Holy Ghost Pastor Combs and Ralph and Frances Gomez skipped their morning service and went to the Community Center in Sacaton where the Trinitarians were having their Sunday service. This was totally out of character for Pastor Combs, but he was convinced this was of the Lord. When they arrived Co-Pastor Morris introduced them to the Senior Pastor, Reverend Mendoza. Reverend Mendoza was not as inviting as Pastor Combs had hoped but nevertheless he listened to his teaching. Pastor Combs began to feel the doubt of the enemy telling him he had wasted his time showing up at this church that morning uninvited. Then after a small intermission; testimony service began and Pastor Combs realized this could be his only chance to speak in the service. As he stood up he really wasn’t sure what he would say but the Lord reminded him about his prayer that day about a daughter work arising in the Sacaton and Gila River areas. Then the words came to him and he shared his vision of seeing a great revival in their community and the mighty work of miracles that God wanted to give to them. The congregation responded to his words with weeping and a heavy spirit of intercessory prayer. Shortly after, a few choruses were sung and Co-Pastor Morris began to preach and after about 15 minutes he invited Pastor Combs to come to the pulpit. When he got up to the front he began feeling the anointed of the Lord as he taught about the Oneness of God and how Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost about Repentance, Water Baptism in Jesus Name, and the infilling of Holy Ghost by evidence of speaking in other tongues. When he was done preaching Pastor Combs approached the Senior Pastor once more and began to convey to him his background. Senior Pastor Mendoza said he knew who he was and knew he was coming because two years earlier there had been a prophecy in their services that said a church on Saguaro Street would come help them. It just so happens that Apostolic Tabernacle is located on Saguaro Street! Pastor Mendoza exclaimed, “You finally came after all this time” and embraced Pastor Combs and both men wept together realizing this was ordained of the Lord. Before leaving Pastor Combs explained that he wanted to help them start outreach in their area and Pastor Mendoza agreed.
When Pastor Combs arrived home that afternoon he was glad he had obeyed the leading of the Holy Ghost. He received a call from Co-Pastor Morris a few hours later informing him he would bring some of the members of his church to their evening service in Casa Grande. The congregation of Apostolic Tabernacle could not contain their excitement as eight or nine members were in attendance and three of them were baptized that night in Jesus Name and every one of them left speaking in other tongues! The following Sunday night Senior Pastor Mendoza was also in attendance and received a touch of God.
Last Saturday March 6th 2010 Apostolic Tabernacle put together an outreach service at the Community Center near Sacaton with prizes, snacks, and beverages for their guest. They registered many people for follow-up bible studies and had approximately 185-200 souls in attendance. They brought with them their portable baptismal tank and six received the Holy Ghost and two were baptized in Jesus Name. There was such a wonderful response to special speaker Rev. Franco Platania’s message of Salvation. This is a community that is desperately hungry for God.
Wednesday there were two more that were baptized following a bible study and many more are to come. Pastor Combs is thrilled to see the Lord making his vision of great Revival come to pass. God is doing an amazing work not only in Casa Grande but all over Arizona. We are looking forward to many more great reports as the days and weeks unfold!
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